菜单:Help - Software Updates - Available Software - Add Sites, http://radrails.sourceforge.net/update, http://updatesite.rubypeople.org/release
installing RadRails on Eclipse ………..
I could not find a proper answer when i wanted to install RadRails on eclipse . This is how it is done , …. in the Eclipse menu go to
Help–>Software Updates –> Find and Install….
then in the pop - up window which appears ,..
Search for new features to install
and then click next and then u will have to add 2 new remote sites, .. the details for the sites are the ones which were very difficult to obtain , they are
site 1 :
Name :RadRails
URL : http://radrails.sourceforge.net/update
site 2 :
Name :RDT
URL : http://updatesite.rubypeople.org/release
then click on finish , u are almost done with the installation , u have to just follow the instructions from here on to finish the installation .
Original link:http://satisheerpini.blogspot.com/2008/05/installing-radrails-on-eclipse.html
Liu Lantao
College of Information Science and Technology, Beijing Normal University
EMAIL: liulantao ( at ) gmail ( dot ) com ;
WEBSITE: http://www.liulantao.com/ .